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Cool and Green

Cool and Green

Urban Greening and the Green Line project

Learn about the Green Line Project HERE


Justin Halliday - The Green Line

Jo Samuel King - Bayside City Counselor

Renowned environmentalist, Justin Halliday will present an overview of the Green Line Project.  This iniative is designed to green/plant the land immediately adjacent to the Sandringham train line and, includes the goal of constructing a walking path right along the length of the train line to the city.

We will also hear from Bayside City Councillor, Dr Jo Samuel–King, who will provide an update on a range of Council greening and habitat initiatives designed to reduce heat island effects, protect our native animals and enhance our natural environment.

Our third guest speaker will be the Community Engagement Coordinator at the St Kilda Eco Centre, Nadav Zisin, who has had 15 years’ experience strengthening communities through social inclusion, youth development, health promotion and environmental sustainability.

The formalities will conclude with an open Q&A session after which you are welcome to join us for tea and coffee in our comfortably heated hall.

Thursday, 29th June, 2023 - 7:45pm (noted changed start time)

Hampton Uniting Church
17 Service Street, Hampton

25 May

Swap Meeting

18 August
